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Company Profile

Since 2012, our company, Elegant Enterprises, has been conducting its business operations out of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. We are known to manufacture, export and supply products like Keyrings Circle Lock, Rivet Setters, Promotional Keychains, Mens Fashion Belt, and more. Apart from that, we offer quality services, including Die Casting Service, etc. We have completed more than a decade in this industry and successfully built a reputable position for ourselves in the market. We are respected by our clients and vendors alike, and our good relationship with them has helped us strengthen our position in the industry. In the last few years, we have drafted a set of marketing policies that have helped us effectively connect with a wider range of audiences.

Key Facts of Elegant Enterprises :

Nature of Business

Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier and Service Provider


Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Year of Establishment


GST Number


Number of Employees


Number of Production Unit


I.E. Code


Elegant Enterprises
None trusted seller